Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Finding Joy in the Journey: Monday's Misadventure

I am thinking of starting a series of posts about "Finding Joy in the Journey". It's a quote that I am living by these days and I would like to keep a journal of all the craziness that occurs in this household. And boy (pun intended) is there a lot of it!! 

So to start this off I thought Monday's Misadventure was a good place to begin....

As you can tell this little boy got himself into a heap of a mess! This all occurred right behind my back, as I was fixing Jaxon's hair Xander was fixing his own. He was sneaking Jax's hair-product by the handfuls and loading up his own head. 

It was a pretty hysterical site! However,I had to remind myself that this was funny. Don't get mad, he doesn't know we are suppose to be leaving in 5 mins. He Is So proud of himself and how big he is for fixing his hair all alone. Don't burst his bubble. He doesn't realize I now have to strip him down for a full on bath! 

So, instead of turning to the Negative Nancy that lives inside me I chose to "Find Joy in the Journey" and laugh instead! 

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Happy 1st Birthday Xander!! 9/23/12

This post maybe a tad late but whose counting?! I've been a little busy :) 

Homemade Carrot Cake - it was yummy! 

The weather was nice too!! Balloons are always fun...

Party time & Presents!! 

It was a special day and you are a special little guy! We love you! 

Mommy, Daddy & Jaxon

Sunday, October 21, 2012


Just heard Jaxon in the bathroom say "SPRAY!..."SPRAY!". It never dawned on me that he would actually be spraying the bathroom with his pee! Thankful for God's grace in that moment. Oh the joys of parenting.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Nice view

There must be something interesting out there!