Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Battle of the Cheerios

Today Mommy did something I thought I would never ever do...I let you eat Cheerios straight from the box, in the grocery store and unpaid for!!!

This was a true battle: You wanted to hold the box, I wanted the box in the back of the cart. I gave in and let you hold the box. You ripped the box open. I took the box away. You screamed. I gave the box back. You wanted to eat Cheerios. I explained that they weren't paid for so you couldn't have them. An Old man walked by smiling and chuckling under his breath. You screamed some more. I gave in a second time and opened the bag discretely giving you a small handful. You put a Cheerio in your mouth and threw the rest on the floor. I said no more and put the opened box in the back of the cart. You were not happy with this, so you screamed again. I gave in a third time, and you got to hold the box while eating handfuls of Cheerios straight from it. You were quite pleased. The Old man passed by again and openly laughed at us. I believe he was quite amuzed. Battle lost, lesson learned: never take a toddler to the grocery store close to lunch and naptime.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Summer Recap 2010

Wow! Where has the time gone? And the summer for that matter? I can't believe Fall is already knocking on the door and Winter isn't far behind. My last post was back in the Spring, April to be exact, so I am going to do my best to recap this past summer both for Jaxon and those reading.

Let's start with May...On one of the first warmer days of the season, Jaxon and I went to the Racine zoo. Earlier that day we spent some time learning about Zebras so it seemed only fitting that we take a trip and see a real live one. Jaxon had a great time at the zoo and ended up coming home with a zebra mask and book.

In May we also had a special visit from a friendly turtle. Jaxon and Mylie were very curious and intriqued by our visitor.

Late in the month we took our first visit to North Beach. Jaxon had a blast! He absolutely loves the water and he a great time digging in the sand. At the beach he is a very busy boy keeping Mommy and Daddy on their toes.

June...At the beginning of the month Jaxon and I took a trip back to Missouri with Grandpa Tim. Grandpa flew up to spend some time with us in Wisconsin before helping Mommy with Jaxon during the 12 hour drive. It was very nice to have Grandpa on the trip. During our stay in MO we hung out with Gigi and she took Jax to Macaroo Gym, its a bounce house with all kinds of fun blow up toys. We also got to ride with her to pick up Daddy at the airport in KC and after picking him up we had breakfast at Waffle House and shopped at Zona Rosa. We also stayed with Nana & Papa during the trip and got to enjoy some fun quality time with them. One of the best nights was hanging out with the family at the Drive-In Movie theater. In addition to all the fun with famiy, Jaxon got to meet some of our friends from High School at our 10 year Reunion.

We also celebrated Father's Day this month. It was a great day hanging out with Daddy. We took him to breakfast before church and then came home and enjoyed a nice relaxing afternoon.

July...Racine's Fourth of July Parade, Fireworks on the beach and in the cul-de-sack, Summerfest (Joan Jett & Sheryl Crow), Big Boy carseat, Potty training, the Dentist visit, playing in the rain, popsicles, wagon rides, sprinklers and goofy moments!

August...Nana's 50th Birthday, Amy & Bryce's Farm, Science City, Cozy Coupe, Teeth brushing, PB&J, Chicago, Tall Ships, Jamba Juice, Train rides and one last day at the beach.