Thursday, August 27, 2009

Capturing the Moment

Today was a frustrating day. Jaxon was cranky and I had an agenda I wanted to keep. Needless to say, I was fighting a battle I wasn't going to win and by the end of the day I was drained. So after dinner, I placed a very tired Jaxon into the bath tub. He was so exhausted but, as soon as, he felt the water he perked up. He was very excited and splashing around, getting everything insight wet. He loves the water! I found myself sitting there watching him as he played enjoying every second. It was the sweetest thing. And then I remembered that the days of him just being a baby, solely dependent on me will not last forever. In fact, each day that passes is a day that I will never get back and they are going by far to fast. It was then that I realized, that even though today did not go as I had planned or wanted, it was a day to treasure. A day that I spent with the most precious gift God has entrusted to me.

Once I finally got him out of the tub, we settled into out nightly routine of lotion, pjs and story time. I love this routine, it makes me feel like this is just our little world. Something only we share together. Usually, Jax is asleep by the third book, but tonight, because he was too interested in touching each page, he kept himself awake. So I swaddled him up in his blankie, sang along to the radio and rocked him until he fell soundly asleep. He was precious and cuddly. I just sat there, rocking him and looking at him in amazement. Every now and then, and tonight was one of those nights, I have an epiphany; the realization that this is MY baby. I still cannot believe that he is my child and I am his Mommy.

These are the moments I want to capture. The crazy cranky days, the innocent playful bathtimes, and the sweetest sleeping baby.

Monday, August 24, 2009

A look back at August

Jax had a pretty exciting August. He spent the first of the month hanging out with our friends, Bryce and Amy. He got to see the Windy City twice. Nana, Papa, and Aunt Kelsey came to visit. He went on his first Brewery Tour; unfortunately for him, he is too young to drink. We also, took him to see the Mitchell Domes in Milwaukee, which are three very cool botanical gardens. He hung out at Ravinia and listened to Bonnie Raitt, while Mommy and Daddy ate great food and drank wine. He also started eating veggies. So far, he's tried squash, sweet potatoes, and carrots. Next month we begin on the green ones. Yum! He is also moving all over the place. He rolls and twists to get where he thinks he needs to be. And to finish off the month, we took him to a very eccentric Renaisance Faire. I think he enjoyed the people watching most of all.

As far as for Mommy, it has been a very enlightening month as I watch my little baby grow right before my eyes. It is amazing to watch him as he discovers the world around him. I see him taste food for the first time and I laugh at the funny faces he makes and then I laugh again as I watch him realize he actually likes it. Then he opens his mouth as wide as he can. I also watch as he learns that there are things that he wants and he is persistent to get them. He squeals in church because he wants the program he can't have or he gets frustrated because he wants to drink out of our glasses and he can't do that either. Nana and I tried giving him a sippy cup; he liked it but wasn't quite sure what to do with it or what to make of the water coming out of it. I watch him as he plays in the grass for the first time. He feels the leaves and pulls on them. I can see that he is trying to figure out what this green stuff is. He is learning to sit-up but he hasn't quite got it down, but he is getting better and stronger. Before long he will be crawling all around. I marvel at his purity and innocence. His smile is genuine; it is pure heaven when he smiles at me when he wakes up to find me looking at him while he sleeps. It is the best feeling in the world to have your child look up and beam from ear to ear because he is so excited to see you. How do I deserve such love? I cling to these moments because I know all to well that these days are limited and very precious.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

New Weight

I took Jaxon to the doctor today for his weigh in. He is now 12lbs 3oz. I really thought he would weigh more than that. Oh, well. He's gained over 2lbs in 2 months. Can't complain about that. His doctor was happy, so I'm happy. He seems to be growing up too fast anyway.

It's funny, because Eric and I look at him and we think, "My goodness, he is getting so big." And then we'll be out somewhere and someone will stop and say, "He's so small. He's what? Only a few weeks old." And then of course, we have to go through the whole explanation of how he's actually 7 1/2 months old and was born 12 weeks early, yada yada yada. Anyway, I just find it so funny that we see him as big and the rest of the world sees him as small.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

July in a Nut Shell

Well the month got away from me again. I started off well with the posts, but lost steam as usual. We began the month with Jax's first concerts at Summerfest and then his first 4th of July parade. Then in the middle of the month, we took a trip back to Joplin. It was great to see friends and family. We spent 10 days there, so it was a great opportunity for Jaxon to meet our friends. He got to spend time with Michelle and Ben, Ryan, Jill and Ely, CD and Debi, Jessica, Ryan, and Josh, Mandie, Charissa, Julie Woods, Amber Howard, and Brian, Nicole and Thatcher. Thatcher was born the day we arrived, so getting to meet him was pretty cool!

We also had a fun surprize, when my girlfriends threw Jaxon a little baby shower. We had burritos, cake, and blue balloons. It was a great time to hang out with the girls and have them spend time with Jax. Too bad he slept for most of it.

While we were in Joplin, Jax also got to swim for the first time. We took him to my grandmas. I figured that was a safe place for his first swim. As usual, he loved it. He loves the water. His cousins, Keegan, Kendyn, and Kameron, along with Aunt Kelsey and Grandpa Tim also joined him in the pool. I think grandpa Tim enjoyed hanging out with Jaxon. My cousin Rachel, also brought her 3 girls to swim. It was nice to see her and catch up. It was a crazy feeling to see all the kids in the pool and think that's what it used to look like when the two of us were little. Wow! I'm grown up and have a baby. When did this happen?

After 10 days in JMo, we came home and caught up on rest. Then a week later, our friends Amy and Bryce drove from Kansas to visit us. We had a fun time with them, we did a lot of walking, it seemed like we walked from Milwaukee to Chicago. Put a few hundred miles on the ol' stroller!! Jaxon did fantastic being toted from one place to the other. It was also the first time he got to meet Bryce and Amy, so this was a special visit for him!

Big achievement for July, include Jaxon starting eating solid food and beginning to hold his own bottle. Well, at least he's eating rice cereal. He's doing good with it and seems to like it. However, today we introduced carrots and that was a different story. He took 2 or 3 bites and had enough. You should have been here to see his face(s)!! Eric took pics, so I'll have to have him send them to me. It's crazy to see how independent he is becoming. Now I can give him a bottle and for the most part he can feed himself. It's nice to be able to leave for a bit while he eats, but it is also sad because this is a huge sign that he is growing up and won't be little forever.

Anyway, it's late and I was suppose to go to bed an hour ago. I have to get up and take Jax to the pediatrician for a weigh in tomorrow. I'll let you know how that goes. One last thing, I finally signed up for facebook. So if this isn't informative enough, you can check out my status there. I'm hoping FB turns out to be a good thing and not just one more thing I have to keep up with or become addicted to!

Good night all.

PS. I'm adding new photos.