Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Our Lullaby

Sweet sweet baby, close your eyes
Close your eyes, close your eyes
Sweet sweet baby close your eyes
The sun has gone and now it's night.

Sweet sweet baby, close your eyes
Close your eyes, close your eyes
Sweet sweet baby close your eyes
The stars are out, the moon shines bright.

Sweet sweet baby, close your eyes
Close your eyes, close your eyes
Sweet sweet baby close your eyes
Drift to sleep, let your dreams take flight.

Sweet sweet baby, close your eyes
Close your eyes, close your eyes

I just put Jaxon down for a nap; and usually it never fails that if I sing this lullaby to him he falls fast asleep. I have never shared these words before; they are very precious to me and I treasure them deeply. When Jaxon was in the NICU I had an overwhelming desire to sing to this tiny little baby of mine, but for the life of me I could never remember all the words to the old lullabys. So one day I just held him and made one up. It is very repetitive and very alto, but it is our song and I love sharing it with him. Every time I sing it to him I am consumed with emotions as I can't help but think of how far this, still so little, boy has come in such a short amount of time. He is our miracle and both Eric and I could not feel more blessed to have him in our life. We are so thankful that God has entrusted him to us and has allowed us to have him in our life. Being a parent is hard, it is demanding, it is miraculous and it is beautiful.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Look what Jax learned today...

This was totally Daddy provoked. Mommy is not very happy.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Yucky Broccoli!

Jaxon thinks broccoli is by far the nastiest thing he has ever put in his mouth. I'm pretty sure he would rather starve than eat the gross green mush. He turns his head as far to the side as he can and refuses to open his mouth.

Tonight, I tried giving it to him for the second time. I thought maybe the taste was just too new the first time he tried it and this time around would be different. Boy, was I wrong. He did take three bites, all the while making a disgusted face. Then he wouldn't take anymore and on the 3rd or 4th time of me trying to persuade him he started crying. So we did not pursue the broccoli anymore after that. Maybe we'll move on to steamed broccoli next.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

King of the Crib, King of the Castle

About a week ago Jaxon learned to stand up in his crib. Now, he is up and down and walking from one side to the other. His crib turned into a jungle gym over night. Once upon a time, I could lay him down give him his binky and blankie and he was fast asleep. These days, as soon as, his body hits the mattress he is jumping up. It is literally like springs have developed in his legs!
However, it can be the sweetest, most precious thing in the whole world. Especially, when he wakes up in the morning and I go to find him standing in his dark room with the widest grin. That makes getting out of bed at 2AM, 3AM, or 5AM completely worth it.
Ever since he learned to stand up, he seems to changing constantly. Or at least learning things at a much faster pace and becoming seemingly more daring. Everything in his world provides the opportunity to stand up. He has been caught dangerously using a FisherPrice LittlePeople barn, a stereo, a rocking chair, an empty tote and a book- just to name a few. I find myself not being able to turn my attention away for even a moment. If things are this crazy now, I can't imagine what life will be like once he actually starts walking. It is amazing how just a week ago ordinary home objects had no meaning or purpose and were left safely alone; now he is pulling up on the couch, the fireplace, & the dresser...He quickly transitioned from being King of the Crib to King of the Castle!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy 1st Halloween!!

Happy Halloween! Jaxon had a packed weekend, full of food and fun. We kicked off the festivities with a Fall party with our church small group on Thursday night. On Friday, we got up early and headed to Chicago with April and Kieran to visit the Museum of Science and Industry. It was a great museum, probably one of the best we've visted so far. It will be especially fun once Jax gets a bit bigger; however, the museum did have a small play section for "crawlers" to interact with balls, water and squishy stuff; unfortunately, Jax slept through the whole time we were in that section. After the museum on Friday, we headed to the Moore's for a get-together with the Church worship team. Then on Halloween night, Jax got all dressed up in his Chicken suit and we went Trick-or-Treating with April and Kieran. Then, we had a handful of guests over for Chili. It was a really fun weekend and we are already looking forward to next year.
From October 2009-Jaxon

From October 2009-Jaxon