Thursday, September 25, 2008

Feeling Prego!!

Ok, I'm going to make this short. I am quickly running out of steam. It's after 10 o'clock, an hour past my new usual bedtime. Anyway, as the title suggest, I am totally feeling pregnant this week. I took my 17 week picture today and I think I can tell a huge difference from last week. All of my regular clothes are no longer fitting, but I'm trying not to wear the maternity clothes if I can help it. I have started wearing some, but I'm trying to limit that, since, they're still a bit too big. My belly is starting to noticeably stick out; even people at work are beginning to comment on my little belly. Eric said this morning that I'm getting a baby belly. He lovingly calls me "Baby Mama"!!

Two more weeks until we find out what our little baby is! And three more weeks until we reach the half way point. Wow, how time flys. Before you know it we'll be welcoming our little bundle of joy into the world (now there's a scary thought!).

Friday, September 19, 2008

16 Week Appointment

This morning I went in for my 16 week appointment. For right now, I get to go to the doctor every four weeks. Today's appointment may seem pretty uneventful, but I was really anxious for today to arrive. Even though nothing has changed, I was getting anxious to hear his/her little heartbeat again. Just hearing that sound makes me feel better and reassured that our baby is growing strong and doing well.

Today the heartbeat was much louder and stronger than it was four weeks ago. It's amazing to hear our baby's heartbeat. Especially since I don't feel much different than I did three months ago; except for my ever expanding waist line, of course!

So far, I haven't felt any baby movement, so it's hard to believe or even imagine that's there is really a baby growing inside me. A 4 and 1/2 inch baby at that! It almost seems like a crazy thought, but it is reality. For once it makes me feel good to not fit in my clothes (for the moment atleast). And I love hearing those rapid beats-there is nothing else like it.

In three weeks, on October 10th (the day after our 4th anniversary), we are scheduled for our 2nd ultrasound. Hopefully, we will find out if we our having a boy or a girl. And just for the record, I think our baby is a girl. But if it is a boy, I will be just as happy (plus we already have a boy name picked out).

P.S. Check out the new pics on my Belly Show. Not much has changed, but it's fun anyway.

New Waredrobe

Well, I've finally upgraded my waredrobe. My regular clothes are too snug to fasten and for a month or so I've been doing the rubberband trick. However, the days are numbered and at some point, I'm sure, this will no longer work. I've purchased a few maternity items and have been wearing a few pieces for the past two weeks. Mainly for comfort because they're still a bit too big, meaning I'm not filling them out properly.

While I was in Joplin, I went shopping at Motherhood with my mom and mother-in-law. I tried on the fake belly so I could see how I will look at six months. It was a huge transformation!! I really liked the store. It was very fashionable.

My friend, April, also gave me two totes full of maternity clothes. I still need to go through those. I'm sure I will have plenty of clothes to wear between those totes and my purchases.

I'll have to take some pictures, once I'm a little "rounder", to show off my new waredrobe. It's all about comfort from here on out!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Spilling the Beans

I have to say I am terrible at keeping up with this thing. I plan everyday to add something to the site, but I get extremely tired at 9:00pm. It's like I hit a brick wall. I'm lying in bed right now, making myself add something, because I really want to share but I'm always so darn tired. And it's Thursday, which means the weekend is here and most likely I won't have another opportunity to post.

As most of you know, over Labor Day weekend (the holiday seemed appropriate, if you know what I mean) Eric and I went back to Joplin to share our surprising news. We are having a baby!! We waited 13 1/2 weeks to tell almost all our family and friends. It was really truly hard to keep such a big secret, but we really wanted to see everyones faces when we spilled the beans. And let me tell you, it was worth every second.

I had had an ultrasound at 10 weeks, so I made enlarged copies of the photo and placed them into frames for my mom and Eric's mom. At the Labor Day cookout my mom had, we had both our moms open their "gifts" together. It was awesome having them find out and react to the news together. My mom gasps and then started crying; and Margie (Eric's mom) said, "Are you really" and started crying. Then the whole room knew and we were overwhelmed by hugs and words of congrats. My friend Amber was the first one to give me a hug (I think she might even be more excited than I am). And both Ashley and Jared were surprised they didn't know, since we had seen both of them over the summer. All in all, it was a great way for everyone to find out.

Unfortunately, my dad had to work and couldn't make the cookout. And Eric's dad lives in KC and wasn't able to come down either. So we had to tell them separately. We told my dad, the same way as our moms, by giving him a frame to unwrap. He was surprised and happy for us. However, Eric's dad was a little hard to read; he seemed to be nonchalant about the whole thing.

Well, I will try to keep this blog up-to-date and at least post once a week. Also, I have more pictures to post. I haven't taken pictures since 12 weeks and now I'm 15 weeks (officially in the 2nd trimester), so I will post another picture over the weekend. Alright, I am zapped for the night and I am going to bed. Night.