Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Trying to Catch up...

Ok, so I've kinda slacked on the pictures. I thought I had taken more but actually I only took a picture at 19 weeks and then nothing for weeks 20 & 21. So tomorrow I'll have a picture for week 22. Tonight I went ahead and posted week 19's picture. I can tell I'm starting to show quite a bit.
This little guy has been very active the past two days; especially in the morning around 9am. He is growing stronger and stronger. It's an awesome crazy feeling!! Very surreal.

Monday, October 27, 2008

October Blizzard

Yesterday, I posted about how I was finally coming to terms with Summer being over; and then what happens today?? IT SNOWS!! Yes, you heard me... we had major flurries today. It looked like a blizzard outside! Fortunately, it did not stick.
However, it did make me realize how I am not looking forward to being pregnant in the winter.

Things I Miss

There a few things I miss, now that I'm pregnant. But I have to say I don't feel totally deprived; well, that is until a bottle of wine is opened.

So here is my list:
1. cold turkey, ham, roast beef (due to bacteria)
2. salami w/ cheese and crackers (only b/c Eric's been eating this & I can't have any)
3. Caffine, especially now that Starbuck's pumpkin lattes are in season (I do spluge once a week or so and allow myself a caffine treat)
4. Blue cheese & ceasar dressing
5. Cookie dough or licking cake batter spoons
6. the occasional alcoholic beverage, especially wine and martini's (although non-alcoholic drinks make me feel special)

That's all I can think of right now. If I come up with anymore, I'll let you know.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Chillin' All Alone

Today I spent the day with myself. A rare thing for me to do. Usually, Eric is here or we're spending time with friends. This morning, at 3am, I got up to take Eric to the airport. He is in L.A. for the week. So I've had the day to myself. I have to admitt it does get lonely without him here and I will be more than ready for him to return next Sunday.
Right now Mylie and I have taken over the big bed. She is sprawled out on Eric's side and would love to have his pillow too, but I stole that!! Jaxon's made his presence known too. Earlier he was wiggling away, but now he's probably asleep.
And man is it cold here! It is windy and below freezing, 28 degrees to be exact. We even have a slight chance for snow. Just when you come to terms with Summer being gone for good, Fall has faded away and Winter is beating the door down. Brrrrrrrr!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Finally a late night!!

It is after 11pm and I am still awake. I can't believe it! I'm going to make this positng short b/c I need to get to bed so I'll feel this good tomorrow too. I've been so tired lately, which is my reason for being so behind on this blog. I haven't posted a picture in some time. I've taken the pics for the past weeks; I just need to get them online.
Eric and I had a long weekend, we spent Friday night and Saturday morning attending classes for church membership and then Saturday night with April and Aaron shopping and eating crablegs (which were fantastic!!). So by Sunday, after church, I was drained. I ended up laying in bed for the entire day. And yesterday, I was still trying to recoupe.
Finally tonight I had some energy. I actually made dinner, cupcakes, cleaned, and did some laundry. It was one of the most productive nights I've had in weeks. I even had enough energy to post a little something.
Well, good night. I'm off to bed!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Nursery Ideas

I'm pretty sure I've picked out a crib and bedding. Below are the links. Let me know what you think.



Sorry, I can't figure out how to make these direct links, so if you want to view them, you'll have to copy and paste them into your web browser.

Just a quick Note...

I'm pretty sure, while I was just sitting here, I felt a little thump with my hand. Movements always happen so fast, it's sometimes hard to tell what I felt. And usually Jaxon won't make the same move again. But he is becoming more active each day and if I don't feel him often I start getting nervous. :)

It's a Boy!!!!!

We are having a son!! How exciting is that??? It's not every day you find out you're having a little boy. We had the ultrasound last Friday, the day after our 4th anniversary.

After the technician was done making her big announcement, Eric asked her, "Are you for sure it's a boy, how can you tell??" And she answered back, "Well, usually girls don't have penises!!". It was hillarious!

I have to admit that I was very wrong. I was positive the baby was a girl. I would have bet money on it. But we are so very excited to have a boy and welcome our little Jaxon into the world.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Dancing Ants & Songs in My Head!!

On Tuesday, 9/30, I started feeling "ants dancing" on my belly. It felt like little bugs moving or a light tickel across my lower stomach. I think I texted or IM'd just about every mother I know to see if it was the baby. I got a 100% response that "Yes that is the baby". It wasn't exactly what I expected, and I think I'm still waiting for that first real kick, but it was exactly what everyone said I would feel. It was amazing to know I felt the baby! And actually, I've been feeling little bubbles of movement ever since Tuesday. I think I'm getting better at recognizing the feeling.

Yesterday, 10/01, I woke up with Michael W. Smith's song, Above All, in my head. I was singing it all day. Then I realized last week I woke up singing Phil Collin's song, Against All Odds. Phil Collins of all people. I never listen to him or to 70's light mix. I have no idea why I wake up singing these songs. I'll let you know if I start singing anymore.

A Bare Belly Photo

I thought I would add a shot of my bare belly. This might happen more often, as my tummy grows- who knows?

From Baby Belly