Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday!!

Happy Birthday Baby Boy! Daddy and I love you so very much. This has been a very wonderful year and you have amazed us time and time again. As I reflect on this day last year, I can't believe how far you have come. You were only a little over two pounds and now you are a miraculous fifteen pounds. I remember when making it to three pounds was a huge milestone!

You, little man, are a fighter. Without even knowing it, you have strongly displayed determination and perseverance. With the Lord by your side, you have beaten the odds. We praise God that you are now a healthy and happy one year old.

These days, I love to hear you giggle uncontrollably; your laugh is music to my hears. I love to see you smile; your beautiful grin melts my heart. I love it when you reach out to me, your hands held high. And though I may tell you not to, I laugh on the inside when you throw your food on the floor, when you jump in your bed and when you pull out all my plastic dishes. You are the magic in my day. And I love you more than there are stars in the sky.

Happy 1st Birthday!