Thursday, December 2, 2010

A Visit with Santa

Last night, everyone's childhood dream came true for Jaxon...he got to meet The REAL Santa, sit on his lap, and hear him tell the story, "T'was the Night Before Christmas".

It was a very special evening at Macy's in Brookfield, WI and we were very glad that after Santa finished his stop at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade he decided to actually go out HIMSELF and do a little visiting with the kids. Santa even gave Jax a little early Christmas present, some "magic" crayons and a coloring book.

Oh, and we got to meet one of Santa's elves named Cinnamon. She was very nice and friendly.

See you again soon, Santa!

Thank you Santa for coming to visit. It was really nice to meet you. And even though I cried a little and did not want you to hold me, I still think you are the coolest Santa ever!!


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Toot toot

So this evening, in the middle of the store, Jaxon lets out a tootie; then he feels the need to shout " STINKY"!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sicky Bug

Jaxon is finally getting better after his visit from the "Sicky Bug". The "Sicky Bug" showed up unexpectedly (when does he ever announce his arrival?) a week ago today and most definitely over stayed his welcome. I will spare you most of the details but poor Jaxon's tummy got the worst of it. Not that this is new news, but having a sick toddler can be very unpredictable.

First, Jax doesn't understand "how" to be sick meaning that when he first started throwing up he must not have felt sick because he still demanded to roam freely around the house and play. Which meant I was left chasing him around cleaning up his puke trail. Then we he finally gave in and accepted the fact that he was sick he didn't understand that he should vomit in a bucket or at the very least in ONE direction. The only thing that he was sure of was that he needed to be held, resulting in me getting showered in puke more than once. The only good thing about that was I got lots of cuddle time. The down side was that I too got a visit from the "Sicky Bug".

The second part of unpredictable toddler sickness is not being able to predict if Jaxon is actually better or not. Sometimes his behavior and actions are not telling the whole story, so if he is feeling great, good, so-so, or just a smidge better I can't tell. I can only guess. So when I thought that if he WANTED to eat pizza after being sick all day that he could- I thought wrong. Or when I thought he was active enough to go out to visit friends or public places- I thought wrong. In fact, during my trial and error I think I was wrong more times than I was right. He seemed perfectly fine and he would go all day being fine until that one opportune moment of the day. These moments happened when you least expected, like the time when we were literally walking through the front door after being out, or the time when we were driving down the road or best of all, when we were at Olive Garden in the middle of lunch. I hate that I couldn't tell if Jaxon was feeling good or not and I was dragging him around town and offering him food that his tummy wasn't ready for. If nothing else, I learned a lot about being a Mommy from this "Sicky Bug" visit.

All in all, I have to say that even though I do not like it when my little guy is sick it was nice to just be able to spend all those days caring for him and loving him. Together we watched a Sesame Street marathon, sang songs and cuddled under the covers. I don't like the "Sicky Bug" but his visit can't be ignored and he does make you slow down and sit awhile.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Parent Magazine Photo Contest

Jaxon's photo has been selected to become one of nine finalist for Parent Magazine's Parent Photo Fave's Contest!! Wow!!! It would be greatly appreciated if everyone voted once per day between today, 11/15 and Sunday, 11/21. Click on the link below to vote.

Thank you,
Excited Momma

Monday, November 8, 2010

A Lovely Fall

This has been a lovely Fall. Jax has gotten to do a lot of fun and exciting things.

In September he learned how to blow. Then he started blowing on everything from hot food to dandelions. Sometime during the month he also decided to try sleeping like a big boy outside of his crib with his mattress on the floor (although a few nights were successful, this was a short lived event).

In early October, we took a weekend trip to Door County, WI with April and Kieran. Despite Jaxon kicking the trip off with a massive nose bleed, we all had a great time. It was a much needed get-away. Jaxon also started "school" (aka daycare)at the first of the month. It took him a little getting use to but now he really likes it and is learning a lot.

In mid-October Jax and Mommy went to Petrifying Springs Park for a fun photo-op; that was an experience! First Mommy forgot the SD card for the camera, so we had to go to plan B and use the phone. Then Jax had no understanding of all the dangers lurking around the park (for example: the creek, the bridge, the cliffs, the road...)so that made it difficult to focus on taking pictures. However, we did manage to get a few good pics. We also spent a fun Sunday afternoon at Stade's Pumpkin Farm. The weather was extremely hot @ 88* not the usual Pumpkin patch weather. It wasn't a usual Pumpkin patch either, it was awesomely fun! Jaxon has the best time playing in the corn pit and tunnels and with farm animals and sliding down the highest of slides and riding the tractor pulled hay-ride. Fun times at the patch!!

As usual, Halloween came around at the end of the month and Jaxon dressed up like a little red dragon. He was so cute and loved, loved, loved his costume. We met up with Jax's neighborhood friends, Grayson and Jacob, and with Katie and Maddy from next door and of course his best bud, Kieran and off we went trick-or-treating. Jaxon had the best time going house to house ringing door bells and getting fun treats put in his bucket. He trick-or-treated for the entire hour and a half that we were out. Then he came home and crashed an hour earlier than his normal bedtime.

It has been a great Fall so far and it's not over yet. Thanksgiving here we come!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Battle of the Cheerios

Today Mommy did something I thought I would never ever do...I let you eat Cheerios straight from the box, in the grocery store and unpaid for!!!

This was a true battle: You wanted to hold the box, I wanted the box in the back of the cart. I gave in and let you hold the box. You ripped the box open. I took the box away. You screamed. I gave the box back. You wanted to eat Cheerios. I explained that they weren't paid for so you couldn't have them. An Old man walked by smiling and chuckling under his breath. You screamed some more. I gave in a second time and opened the bag discretely giving you a small handful. You put a Cheerio in your mouth and threw the rest on the floor. I said no more and put the opened box in the back of the cart. You were not happy with this, so you screamed again. I gave in a third time, and you got to hold the box while eating handfuls of Cheerios straight from it. You were quite pleased. The Old man passed by again and openly laughed at us. I believe he was quite amuzed. Battle lost, lesson learned: never take a toddler to the grocery store close to lunch and naptime.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Summer Recap 2010

Wow! Where has the time gone? And the summer for that matter? I can't believe Fall is already knocking on the door and Winter isn't far behind. My last post was back in the Spring, April to be exact, so I am going to do my best to recap this past summer both for Jaxon and those reading.

Let's start with May...On one of the first warmer days of the season, Jaxon and I went to the Racine zoo. Earlier that day we spent some time learning about Zebras so it seemed only fitting that we take a trip and see a real live one. Jaxon had a great time at the zoo and ended up coming home with a zebra mask and book.

In May we also had a special visit from a friendly turtle. Jaxon and Mylie were very curious and intriqued by our visitor.

Late in the month we took our first visit to North Beach. Jaxon had a blast! He absolutely loves the water and he a great time digging in the sand. At the beach he is a very busy boy keeping Mommy and Daddy on their toes.

June...At the beginning of the month Jaxon and I took a trip back to Missouri with Grandpa Tim. Grandpa flew up to spend some time with us in Wisconsin before helping Mommy with Jaxon during the 12 hour drive. It was very nice to have Grandpa on the trip. During our stay in MO we hung out with Gigi and she took Jax to Macaroo Gym, its a bounce house with all kinds of fun blow up toys. We also got to ride with her to pick up Daddy at the airport in KC and after picking him up we had breakfast at Waffle House and shopped at Zona Rosa. We also stayed with Nana & Papa during the trip and got to enjoy some fun quality time with them. One of the best nights was hanging out with the family at the Drive-In Movie theater. In addition to all the fun with famiy, Jaxon got to meet some of our friends from High School at our 10 year Reunion.

We also celebrated Father's Day this month. It was a great day hanging out with Daddy. We took him to breakfast before church and then came home and enjoyed a nice relaxing afternoon.

July...Racine's Fourth of July Parade, Fireworks on the beach and in the cul-de-sack, Summerfest (Joan Jett & Sheryl Crow), Big Boy carseat, Potty training, the Dentist visit, playing in the rain, popsicles, wagon rides, sprinklers and goofy moments!

August...Nana's 50th Birthday, Amy & Bryce's Farm, Science City, Cozy Coupe, Teeth brushing, PB&J, Chicago, Tall Ships, Jamba Juice, Train rides and one last day at the beach.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Happy 2nd Easter

From April 2010-Jaxon

Jaxon had a wonderful 2nd Easter. We were able to take him to church this year, which was very exciting. Mommy and Daddy had to be at the church very early for worship practice so he spent the early part of the morning with Ms. April and Kieran. After church we came home and enjoyed a very tasty lunch and then Jaxon went down for a 5 hour nap. He totally slept through our kite flying fun and we ended up scrapping the Easter egg hunt.

He also missed out on coloring Easter eggs the day before because he decided to go to sleep at 4:30pm and not wake up until Easter morning. I'm glad he got some sleep but I'm sad that he missed out on all the fun parts of our Easter weekend.

Fortunately, the Easter Bunny stopped by and left Jaxon a lot of fun stuff to play with. He loves his little puppy! He carries him around giving him kisses and hugs. Good choice Easter Bunny!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

And we're off!

Mommy is making the official call. Jaxon is walking!! I am making this ruling based on the walk to crawl ratio. He now prefers to walk verses crawl. So I guess that makes it official.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

My Big Boy Trike

From February/March 2010-Jaxon

From February/March 2010-Jaxon

From February/March 2010-Jaxon


On Feb 28th with Nana, Papa, Aunt Kelsey and Brad, we Dedicated Jaxon to God before the congregation at Crossway Community Church. Eric and I know that Jaxon is a precious gift entrusted to us by God. It is our responsibility to raise him in a Christ focused home and bring him up in the truth which is God's Word.

The scripture we selected for Jaxon, is Proverbs 3:5-6...
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Lap it Up

This evening Jaxon decided to mimick the dog...he stuck his head, face first, into Mylie's water bowl and lapped up some water. All of this occurred before I even realized what was happening. He thought is was hilarious!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Breaking News...

Jaxon's first tooth has broken threw!! As soon as we can get a picture I will post one.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Escape Train

From February 2010-Jaxon

Clever little fella! He did this all by himself. He pushed the train up to the gate and climbed aboard. It seems as though we are getting ready to take a dangerous adventure. Next stop...

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Homecoming Anniversary-1 year

Today, February 9th, marks Jaxon's homecoming from the NICU. He spent his first 56 days there and it was a special occasion to bring him home. This day is almost as special as his birthday. He had to accomplish so much in order to come home.

This day is much different than it was last year. Today as we were playing out in the snow I couldn't believe that this was the same baby as the one we brought home last year. He has just changed so much. Now he is almost 18 pounds and just about ready to walk.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

From December 2009

Ok! Ok! I know I'm a little late, but I still want to write about it.

This past Christmas was the second one for Jaxon. Christmas 2008 was spent in the NICU and he was only 10 days old. This year was much more fun! We went back to Joplin to visit family and friends and Jaxon got to fly on an airplane for the first time. He did exceptionally well (except for the time he decided to wait until the plane was taking off to have a dirty diaper. Longest 20 minutes of my life!!).

Since we flew into Kansas City, we met up with Grandpa Lenny (Eric's Dad). This was the first time he had seen Jaxon. It was nice that they both got to spend a little time with each other.

We arrived in Joplin 2 days after Jax birthday, so he got to celebrate with family. That was really special. For his birthday he got to eat a big cupcake with blue frosting. He totally devoured it! And he was totally covered in it!! The cupcake was the best part of the party.

Christmas was a week long event. We spent the Sunday before Christmas with GiGi. She absolutely spoiled Jaxon rotten and bought way too much! We loved going out to lunch with her and Uncle Jared. I think GiGi was impressed by how much Jaxon can eat. On Christmas Eve we went to Grandpa Tim's and had brunch. It was really nice to spend time with Great Grandma Mary. On Christmas Day, we woke up at Nana and Papa's and spent the day there with Jaxon's aunts and cousins. It was a crazy fun day!

While we were in Joplin we also got to meet Jaxon's new friend Samual. He was only 4 months old but next time he will be a great playmate. We are looking forward to hanging out with Samual again soon.

When we returned home to Wisconsin, after our Holiday trip, Daddy and Mommy had to leave right away and head to Michigan for a New Year's Eve wedding. Jaxon stayed behind with April and Kieran. It was the longest time Mommy and Jax had been apart. Although we missed one another terribly, I think we both enjoyed the break. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. It was nice for mommy to recharge her battery. Thank you April and Kieran for letting Jax spend the week with you. Also, thank you April for taking care of Jax. He ended up getting sick while we were away. The poor little guy, along with Mommy and Daddy, had bronchitis.

We had a wonderful holiday season as a family. It was full of holiday and birthday cheer.